The plan is to leave Saturday for Camp One through the Khumbu ice fall
and all the ladder crossings.
More later.
IMPORTANT NOTE! This message is coming from Base Camp. Please compose a
new message in text format and send to: CLIMB@ALPINEASCENTS.COM with the
climbers' name in subject line. Attachments cannot be accepted at BC.
Please do not send messages directly to aa1@explorersweb.com as it has
caused our system at BC many problems on past expeditions.
Many thanks from the guides & staff at Alpine Ascents.
We've been out of contact for a while, but it looks like I should be
able to blog from Everest base camp. Text seems to be working. The
ability to send pictures is being worked on, and may or may not become
There is a constant roar of rock and snow avalanches so frequent that
the sound has become background noise. Fortunately the avalanche zones
are no where near the climbing routes.
At night, the temperature drops to between 0-10 degrees F. However, as
soon as the sun comes up, the temperature becomes bearable and is
sometimes pleasant-to-warm. As soon as the sun goes down.....the
temperature drops immediately to something near irritating.
We have been spending time at 17,500 ft. and acclimation seems to be an
ongoing project, especially with the camp head cold being passed around.
I believe I am on the schedule to come down with it in about two days.
Our primary focus for the last two days and for the next few days is
learning how to cross aluminum ladders with crampons (i.e., metal spikes
that attach to climbing boots) that have been laid across crevasses. It
is awkward and difficult, but all the clients are getting better at not
falling off. I am hopeful that by the time we begin crossing deep
crevasses that we have all mastered the technique.
More later....off for more ladder crossing training.
IMPORTANT NOTE! This message is coming from Base Camp. Please compose a
new message in text format and send to: CLIMB@ALPINEASCENTS.COM with the
climbers' name in subject line. Attachments cannot be accepted at BC.
Please do not send messages directly to aa1@explorersweb.com as it has
caused our system at BC many problems on past expeditions.
Many thanks from the guides & staff at Alpine Ascents.
Made the worst and the best investments in my life. Worst: $5 for a shower that was a little warmer than cold...with water pressure so low that even I had to run around to get wet....and a damp dirty towel. Best investment: $4 can of Pringles.