Sunday, April 3, 2011

Comments on the Difficulties of Communicating

Now that I am here in Nepal and in the middle of the trek to Everest base camp, it is clear that communicating through my blog will become increasingly diffficult. 

Everest base camp is suppose to have cell phone reception and Internet access.  However, it may not we sufficient to send photographs.  The first plan is to continue as I have been....taking pictures on Sherrie's camera (...still working just fine), downloading the pictures from the camera to my laptop (...still working despite multiple yak convoys), accessing the Internet and downloading the pictures to my blog.

If it turns out that pictures cannot be downloaded to the blog at Everest base camp, another option might be available.  If cell phone access, but not Internet access is available, then I might be able to take pictures on my camera, email the pictures...along with comments to Sherrie and she might be able to post to the blog. 

If neither of these approaches work, then the guide service may have equipment that I can use...most likely email access...which would be my plan B (i.e., posting via Sherrie). 

Anyway, the future of communications through my blog from Nepal will be interesting....More later.

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